When the game came out, it was critically panned. It is unclear if these were intentional references to the 2600 port, or if they (ironically) used the 2600 Pac-Man sounds unknowingly from the stock source.Pac-Man was an incredibly popular game from the arcades, being one of the most successful games of all time, so Atari tried to port the game to the Atari 2600, but they horribly failed. Several future Pac-Man titles, such as Pac-Man: Adventures in Time and Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures, feature the Atari 2600 version's sound effects in certain (minor) parts of the game.The game's sounds were recorded by Sound Ideas and became a commonly used stock sound effect this led to 2600 Pac-Man sounds being used in many other forms of media, such as the Mooninites from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.Atari thought it would cause confusion, and could've scared children, so it was changed to the classic circle design. Originally, the game was to feature this very strange design for the boxart.There is a bug in the game where if Pac-Man dies at the top of the Escape Route while moving down, he can move through walls while the death sequence plays.The 2600 version called them ghosts in a way to explain the flickering, which is the name they've stuck with ever since. Pac-Man's enemies were originally known as monsters.The level "Dungeon" in Pac-Man Championship Edition DX is seemingly based on this game.has gotten much more blame than Pac-Man has, it was Atari's actions regarding Pac-Man that put them in jeopardy in the first place. The Extra Terrestrial (another universally disliked Atari 2600 game) became the scapegoats blamed for the downfall of Atari, and to an extent, the Video Game Crash of 1983. This strategy theoretically did work, but not to the extent Atari had hoped it would.

This was done because Atari was counting on people who hadn't yet purchased an Atari 2600 buying one just to play Pac-Man on. Atari made more cartridges for Pac-Man than they had already sold consoles.After lots of digging by historians, it turns out the game was actually released about three weeks earlier, on March 16, 1982. For a long time, it was believed that Pac-Man for the 2600 released on April 3rd, 1982, due to that date marking Atarinational Pac-Man Day.A port of the game was also featured on the Tiny Arcade: Atari 2600 system, released by Super Impulse in late 2021. The game was rereleased on the Atari Retro Handheld: Pac-Man Edition by Blaze in December 2019, marking its first official release in 37 years.The most notable of these titles is Pac-Man 4K which is widely considered to be a very impressive port, and has been referenced in some official Pac-Man media. These were mainly created due to the infamously poor reception of the original, in order to see how much better Atari's Pac-Man could have theoretically been (see this page for more information). Starting in the late 1990s, several homebrew developers began producing new ports of Pac-Man on the Atari 2600.Putting the Difficulty Switch in the A position cuts down the time the ghosts stay blue, and vitamins don’t appear onscreen for as long as when the Difficulty Switch is in the B position. Variations with ghost speeds can be chosen as well, due to their ratings of having “crawl”, “walking”, “jogging” or “running” speeds, along with expert and childrens’ versions. Eat ghosts–20, 40, 80, 160 points (in succession)Ī slow or a fast-moving Pac-Man can be chosen.An extra life is earned with the clearing of each maze.Īlso, 16 "games" were included on the cartridge, which are really just slight variations of the normal game mode (Note: the box says there are only eight game variations, but each one has a variation for two players).

The Escape Route (tunnel) runs from the top and bottom of the screen, rather than the sides.There is also only one fruit, which is called a “vitamin”. The dots Pac-Man eats were changed to dashes and renamed to “video wafers”.

They also do not have four distinct personalities, meaning their movements are randomized.